We are about to prepare a Golang project according to Clean and Hexagonal Architecture principles.
architecture microservice golang

How I write a micro-service (part 2)

We are about to prepare a Golang project according to Clean and Hexagonal Architecture principles.

TL;DR - Code repository on Github - <https://github.com/Zenithar/go-spotigraph


In order to manipulate concepts, we need to implements them. Let’s use Spotify agile terminology.

Core Services

I assume from here that you know how to work with Golang - https://tour.golang.org

First, I create an internal package used to create the complete project, which will be executed in dedicated runnable artifacts.

$ mkdir spotigraph
$ go mod init go.zenithar.org/spotigraph
$ mkdir internal

internal package will not be accessible from outside of the project package.

 + internal
   + helpers
     - id.go
	 - password.go
	 - time.go
   + models
     - user.go


Helpers should contain additional functions for models, such as:

$ mkdir internal/helpers

Random ID Generation

For example, id.go should contain all logic used to generate and verify ID syntax.

package helpers

import (
	validation "github.com/go-ozzo/ozzo-validation"

// IDGeneratedLength defines the length of the id string
const IDGeneratedLength = 32

// IDGeneratorFunc returns a randomly generated string useable as identifier
var IDGeneratorFunc = func() string {
	return uniuri.NewLen(IDGeneratedLength)

// IDValidationRules describes identifier contract for syntaxic validation
var IDValidationRules = []validation.Rule{
	validation.Length(IDGeneratedLength, IDGeneratedLength),

I like to use ozzo-validation because it’s easy to create composable validation checks

Distributed Sequencial Number Generation

Sequencial numbers are really difficult in a distributed environment, if so really want a sequencial number from a counter, you only have 2 ways to do :

Personnaly I use bigflake due to the fact that it could be used with more than 1024 concurrents generators, the result encoded in Base62 should be quite short.

You should have a look to my side project KornFlake

Principal hashing

Another example with principal handling, you don’t need to store it as plain text, think about privacy, database leaks, nobody is perfect … So you could hash the principal before storing it. It’s not the database role to hash the principal, it’s part of your requirements to be privacy compliant.

We don’t have to store the real principal, just use the hash of it as proof. The hash will be computed on user login and stored. If, no, when the database will leak on the Internet, it should be more difficult to reverse the principal from database record (PrincipalHash), due to the fact that we use an additional salt (sort of) used server wide.

package helpers

import (


// Default hash key for principal hash function, must be different in each environment.
var principalHashKey = []byte(`7EcP%Sm5=Wgoce5Sb"%[E.<&xG8t5soYU$CzdIMTgK@^4i(Zo|)LoDB'!g"R2]8$`)

// PrincipalHashFunc return the principal hashed using Blake2b keyed algorithm
var PrincipalHashFunc = func(principal string) string {
	// Prepare hasher
	hasher, err:= blake2b.New512(principalHashKey)
	if err!= nil {

	// Append principal
	_, err = hasher.Write([]byte(principal))
	if err!= nil {

	// Return base64 hash value of the principal hash
	return base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString(hasher.Sum(nil))

// SetPrincipalHashKey used to set the key of hash function
func SetPrincipalHashKey(key []byte) {
	if len(key)!= 64 {
		panic("Principal hash key length must be 64bytes long.")

	principalHashKey = key

principalHashKey is hard-coded for default behavior, you must call exported function SetPrincipalHashKey to update the hash key.

Don’t use simple hash simple (without key) because in this case, the secret is only based on the hash algorithm you use!

In the special case, in which you need the real value of the principal, you must think first, “do I really need it ?” or “do I really use it ?”. For example, you need it to find the user in the table, think “No hash is sufficient”, if the principal is an email and you decide to use principal column as email storage, you will not be able to restore the real value from the hash. So the only thing you can do is to encrypt the email BUT not in the same table, and maybe not handled by the same microservice.

You should split the Account model containing all system information (principal hash, password hash, dates) and Profile model in a dedicated. Because you also have to introduce consent in Profile attributes usages with authorizations. Maybe Attribute Based Encryption should do the work well, but today it is quite young.

The principalHashKey should be different for each service, but same for services that needs to work together, if you use hash value a grouping key. If you use the real principal for external function calls, you could use different key.

This is like Pairwise Authentication Context for OIDC extention by Paypal. Real identity is only hold by the caller, and every consumer service has their own internal identifier, to prevent database cross verification. But sometimes it’s a needed feature.

Time indirection

In order to set time during tests, you could use time.Now function indirection by declaring an alias and use it everywhere.

package helpers

// TimeFunc is used for time based tests
var TimeFunc = time.Now

For more complex clock mocking, I advise you to consider github.com/jonboulle/clockwork.


Password has to be carefully processed when you decide to store it.

More information about my password encoder nammed Butcher

The main with password storage is not only the secret and mystic method you use to hash it but also time consideration and cpu work needed to process the hash, in order to prevent time-attack password recovery.

In a life of software, also password encoding policy could change in time, algoritm deprecation, higher security requirements. You have to consider this before starting to store password in your database. I have made library to handle password storage and gives the ability to the library to temporary use the “old” password policy encoding to verify the password, then produce the hash with the new policy.

In fact, you don’t have to ask to all your users to change their password in case of password encoding policy changes.

For paranoids, like me, you could also encrypt the hash result using a server-wide key, with Enveloppe Encryption method, this will reduce to mostly null the chance to recover the password. Because you have an header in the string that helps you to know which algorithm and settings are used to encode.

And for ultimate paranoids, like me also, you put password based derivation function in a dedicated distributed micro-service, with service authentication and transport encryption obviously, with that only service wil know the pepper and salt in cleartext. It’s also helps you to distribute the load between service instances.

Memory could be allocated and wiped after cleartext password usages - Secure software enclave for storage of sensitive information in memory.

package helpers

import (


var (
	once sync.Once
	// butcher hasher instance
	butch *butcher.Butcher
	// PasswordPepper is added to password derivation during hash in order to
	// prevent salt/password bruteforce
	// Do not change this!! It will makes all stored password unrecoverable
	pepperSeed = []byte("TuxV%AqKB0|gxjEB!vc~]T8Hf[q|xgS('3S<IEnqOv:jF&F8}+pur)N@DHYulF#")

const (
	// PasswordQualityScoreThreshold is the password quality threshold
	PasswordQualityScoreThreshold = 3

// Initialize butcher hasher
func init() {
	once.Do(func() {
		var err error
		if butch, err = butcher.New(
		); err!= nil {
			log.Bg().Fatal("Unable to initialize butcher hasher")

// SetPasswordPepperSeed used to set the peppering parameter for butcher
func SetPasswordPepperSeed(key []byte) {
	if len(key)!= 64 {
		panic("Password peppering seed length must be 64bytes long.")

	pepperSeed = key

// PasswordHasherFunc is the function used for password hashing
var PasswordHasherFunc = func(password string) (string, error) {
    return butcher.Hash([]byte(password))

// PasswordVerifierFunc is the function used to check password hash besides the cleartext one
var PasswordVerifierFunc = func(hash string, cleartext string) (bool, error) {
    return butcher.Verify([]byte(hash), []byte(cleartext))

// CheckPasswordPolicyFunc is the function used to check password storage policy and
// call the assigner function to set the new encoded password using the updated 
// password storage policy, if applicable.
var CheckPasswordPolicyFunc = func(hash string, cleartext string, assigner func(string) error) (bool, error) {
    if butcher.NeedsUpgrade([]byte(hash)) {
		if err:= assigner(cleartext); err!= nil {
			return false, err
	return true, nil

// CheckPasswordQualityFunc is the function used to check password quality regarding security constraints
var CheckPasswordQualityFunc = func(cleartext string) error {
	quality:= zxcvbn.PasswordStrength(cleartext, nil)
	if quality.Score < PasswordQualityScoreThreshold {
		return fmt.Errorf("Password quality insufficient, try to complexify it (score: %d/%d)", quality.Score, PasswordQualityScoreThreshold)
	return nil

I use zxvbn as password strength evaluator (github.com/trustelem/zxcvbn)


$ mkdir internal/models

For example user.go is defined as follows:

package models

import (


	validation "github.com/go-ozzo/ozzo-validation"

// User describes user attributes holder
type User struct {
	// Internal identifier generated with custom strategy
	ID                 string 	 `bson:"user_id" db:"id"`
	// Principal must be a valid external principal value (Email, LDAP DN, etc.)
	Principal          string 	 `bson:"principal" db:"principal"`
	// Create date of the current user
	Created            time.Time `bson:"created" db:"created"`
	// PasswordModifiedAt is the date when the secret was modified
	PasswordModifiedAt time.Time `bson:"password_modified_at" db:"password_modified_at"`
	// Secret is the password cryptographic hash
    Secret             string	 `bson:"secret" db:"secret"`

// NewUser returns an user instance
func NewUser(principal string) *User {
    return &User{
        // Generate an identity from ID helper
		ID:        helpers.IDGeneratorFunc(),
        // Hash the given principal using helper
		Principal: helpers.PrincipalHashFunc(principal),
        // Set the creation date using the time function helper
        Created:   helpers.TimeFunc(),
Password management

Password is not persistence adapter specific, it’s an entity attribute of the User model.

// SetPassword updates the password hash of the given account
func (u *User) SetPassword(password string) (err error) {
	// Check password quality
	err = helpers.CheckPasswordQualityFunc(password)
	if err!= nil {
		return err

	// Generate password hash
	u.Secret, err = helpers.PasswordHasherFunc(password)
	if err!= nil {
		return err

	// Update last modified date
	u.PasswordModifiedAt = helpers.TimeFunc()

	// No error
	return nil

// VerifyPassword checks if given password matches the hash
func (u *User) VerifyPassword(password string) (bool, error) {
	// Validate password hash using constant time comparison
	valid, err:= helpers.PasswordVerifierFunc(u.Secret, password)
	if!valid || err!= nil {
		return false, err

	// Check if password need upgrades
	return helpers.CheckPasswordPolicyFunc(u.PasswordHash, password, func(pwd string) error {
		return u.SetPassword(pwd)

The password encoding update strategy is mandatory if you want to be able to update the password encoding policy without asking everyone to change their password.


For User validation, let’s implement a Validate() error function using ozzo-validation.

// Validate entity contraints
func (u *User) Validate() error {
	return validation.ValidateStruct(u,
        // User must have a valid id
        validation.Field(&u.ID, helpers.IDValidationRules...),
    	// User must have a principal with valid printable ASCII characters as value
        validation.Field(&u.Principal, validation.Required, is.PrintableASCII),

This method will be called from persistence adapters on creation, and update requests

By adding logic in models, you must add unit tests to check for specification compliance.

package models_test

import (

	. "github.com/onsi/gomega"


func TestUserValidation(t *testing.T) {

	// Prepare the testscase list
	tcl := []struct {
		name      string
		principal string
		expectErr bool
		// Failed testcases
		{"blank principal", "", true},
		{"1234", "1234", true},

		// Valid testcases
		{"valid email", "toto@foo.com", false},
	for _, tc := range tcl {
		t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
			// Flag test to be run in parallel

			// Matcher library
			g:= NewGomegaWithT(t)

			// Initialize object to be tested
			underTest:= models.NewUser(f.principal)
			g.Expect(underTest).ToNot(BeNil(), "Entity should not be nil")

			// Function to test
			if err := underTest.Validate(); err!= nil {
				// Error occurs, check if not expected
				if !f.expectErr {
					t.Errorf("Validation error should not be raised, %v raised", err)
			} else {
				// No error, check if expected
				if f.expectErr {
					t.Error("Validation error should be raised")

Note the table driven test pattern very useful to decorelate test data from test cases (https://dave.cheney.net/2019/05/07/prefer-table-driven-tests).


At this point, you should have defined all your domain entities, what your project is going to handle. Don’t think yet as “How I could store it in my database” because database model could differ from Entities, so create your domain first as a plain object tree then apply repository patterns.

In the next post, we will see how I implement persistence adapters using models.


Persistence adapter implementations
architecture microservice golang

During my software developer experience, I have seen many bad practices as a code reviewer and collected a lot of tips to try to build better products.
architecture microservice golang

Déployer Kubernetes en version locale sous Archlinux avec KVM.
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